Mexico's violance spilling over the border into the Texas and other parts of the U.S.
Fox News  March 2009
Why is President Obama and the majority of congress ignoring in-front-of-your-nose evidence that Mexican anarchy will be soon crossing into the U.S.

Could it be that they actually want to use the crisis as an excuse to saturate the U.S. with future political supporters from Mexico and the third world?

Such was the case looking back to Hurricane Mitch in which congress granted "Temporary Protected Status" (TPS) to illegal aliens from Central American countries including Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala -- who ostensibly sought to escape the effects of the hurricane but would "happily" return to their home countries when things got better. (Chandra Levy's muderer was one of the TPS applicants: Click here and here)

Time and again, TPS has proven to be anything but temporary, By the time the numerous extension had expired, 11 years will have elapsed from the cause that triggered TPS being granted in the first place.

One TPS extension after another is strong evidence that what the president and the politicians really want, is to open the U.S. to anyone who wants "a better life" with the added bonus of millions of more keep them in power.

It doesn't take a political scientist to figure out that President Obama and the majority of congress (and the drug cartels) are delighted about the instability in Mexico caused by drug cartels because it will lead to tens of thousands of Mexicans who will illegally cross the border to seek (permanent) TPS and/or political asylum.