Nativo Lopez
Formerly of the Corrupt 'Hermandad Mexicana Nacional
Now Head of MAPA in Antonio Villaraigosa's camp.
Americans won't know they're being invaded until they try to stop it. -- Glenn Spencer
Antonio Villaraigosa was endorsed for Mayor of Los Angeles by Gloria Molina. In 1997 at the Southwest Voter Registration Education Project meeting where Antonio Villaraigosa (then Speaker of the Assembly), was present, Molina made this racist remark as to why Latinos should register to vote:
"Our vote is gonna be important, but I gotta tell you, there's a lot of people that are
saying, I'm gonna go out there and vote because I wanna PAY THEM BACK" Listen
"Was Molina referring to Jews when she said THEM?"
Gilbert Cedillo believes that illegal aliens were "here" (California) first because California was once a part of Mexico -- Cedillo thinks U.S. citizens take a back seat to Mexican citizens.
Interviewer: "These people (illegal aliens) are here to stay, they're not going away?"
Cedillo: "There's no question about it, they were here first, they're here now, they're fully integrateded into the economy. I don't think we want them to leave."
Ernesto Zedillo
California Senator
"one bill" Gil Cedillo
L.A. County Supervisor
Gloria Molina
Art Torres, Chairman of the California Democratic Party shouted these racist remarks to an audience of prominent Latino figures and politicians including Antonio Villaraigosa.
"We need to concentrate and help those organizations like One Stop with Juan Jose Gutierrez and Americana with Bert Corona, any organization that helps make citizens. Power is not given to you, you have to take it! People say to me when I was on the senate floor when I was in the senate, why do you fight so hard for affirmative action programs. And I tell my white colleagues: because you're gonna need them. Remember, 187 is the last gasp of white America...."
Ex-California Senator
Art Torres
L.A. Mayor Villaraigosa's close friend Mario Obledo, co-founder of MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund) and winner of the 1998 Presidential Medal of Freedom, awarded by President Clinton, made these racist remarks on the Tom Leykis
talk show on 6/17/98 and on the Ray Briem talk show on 6/17/98. Asked by Ray Briem if he thought that the statement was racist, Obledo said "No, because that's a reality. California is going to be inhabited mostly by Hispanics.
"We're going to take over all the political institutions of California, in five years, we're going to be the majority population in this state. California is going to be a Hispanic state and anyone who doesn't like it should leave" and "Well, if they (Anglos) don't like Mexicans they ought to leave. They ought to go back to Europe." Listen
MALDEF Co-founder
Mario Obledo
Fourteen years ago when I was forming my opinion from history and the signs of the time that there was a Mexican fifth column movement in Los Angeles, I was laughed at -- Hal Netkin
Students at Montebello High School hoist Mexican flag with upside down American flag below.
Mexico's Televisa television network: "With all due respect to Uncle Sam, this shows Los Angeles has never stopped being ours."
In 1997, then Mexican President Zedillo addressing a Chicago audience announced that the Mexican nation extended beyond its borders. Watch Broadband Dialup
President Vicente Fox on Wednesday criticized he United States' decision to strengthen its border security and complet a wall along the two countries common border calling it "disgraceful and shameful." ASSOCIATED PRESS, December 14, 2005
When asked if he would help in preventing illegal crossings, Fox made it clear, as if that were necessary anyway, that Mexico would not attempt to prevent Mexicans from illegally crossing into the U.S.A.
“We can’t infringe upon the right of people to move freely within our territory.”
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is now working on behalf of Mexico in defiance of the will of Los Angeles' citizenry -- giving Los Angeles away. The evidence is clear.
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa exemplified his intolorance for views other than his own, of other politicians -- especially Latino politicians, when at the Los Angeles Omni Hotel, on June 14, 1997, when he was speaker of the California Assembly, said to the attendees at the annual meeting of the Southwest Voter Registration and Education Project:
"Because you know what? It's not enough to elect Latino leadership if they're
supporting legislation that denies the undocumented drivers' licenses, they don't belong in office friend, they
don't belong here." Watch
Los Angeles Mayor
Antonio Villaraigosa
When Villaraigosa was asked in the mayoral debates what he would do about illegal immigration, he said that the U.S. has the right to enforce its immigration laws, but that it was the federal government's job to do so.
Now that he succeded in fooling the voters, he has sided with law breakers against the Federal Government and citizenry who elected him as is apparent in his address to tens of thousands of mostly illegal aliens.
Uncontrolled illigal immigration
brings: Closing of hospitals, overcrowded failing schools, overcrowded jails, deteriorating quality of life, homelesness, traffic conjestion, having to ship our garbage, third world safety and zoning violation, illegal vending, day laborers, gang crime, Security risk. So how is the mayor who has promised to fix L.A., going to fix it? I guess he'll cross that bridge when he gets to it.
California Senator from L.A. County Richard Alacon
At a town hall meeting on March 18, 2004, at Los Angeles City Hall, hosted by Antonio Villaraigosa and the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights, Richard Alarcon declared that health insurance was the "right" of every Californian (including illegal immigrants whose use of California's free health care is the major cause of its meltdown).
As a California Senator and a Los Angeles City Councilman before that, his past legislative voting record is strong evidence that he is more interested in saving the world's poor than representing middle class Americans. Alarcon has strong ties to the Communist Party.
Villaraigosa has a disturbing background which, with the help of the
news media, he has managed to keep under the radar. As is now clear, he makes no bones about his
opposition of controlling illegal immigration.
California Assembly Speaker
from Los Angeles,
Fabian Nuñez
Mr. Nunez, a former MEChA member, was a speaker at the Latino Summit Response to Prop 187 at U.C. Riverside in January, 1995. where 500 pro-illegal alien activists, made racist and seditious speeches:
Nunez: "...there's only two kinds of power in this country and in this world ... economic power, and we don't have economic power because we don't own the means of production, but there's another form of power, and that's the power of the masses. So you can be as revolutionary as you want..."
"...The time has come for unity... in 1996 we are going to Washington on a mass mobilization there to bring Washington to a standstill so that they know we are there and that we begin to put into place those things that are necessary to insure that we advance the interests of our community."
Using terms like "we" and "they," it can only be concluded that Nunez does not think of himself as an American.
On Feb 11, 2006, Nunez participated in a Riverside, CA summit where racist and seditious speeches were made leaving no doubt as to who the "we" and "they" are. Watch
Los Angeles Daily News: "Obeying federal law and joining the war on terrorism seem to be optional as far as City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo is concerned. And he'll have no
part of either.
This is Los Angeles after all, where City Hall has a long history of accommodating criminals while doing their best to make life miserable for hard-working, taxpaying, law abiding people. Delgadillo is merely continuing a long tradition.
In June 2002, he announced that should the Bush administration ask local governments to help enforce federal immigration law, L.A. will not cooperate. That's good news for terrorists." More...
L.A. City Attorney
Rocky Delgadillo
I have two questions for you Chief Bratton:
Where did you get the information that Californians don't want L.A. to cooperate with the INS? Did you mean it when you said that if any of us didn't like it, we should leave the state?
KABC Radio - Ken Minyard Show - August 26, 2003: Caller Steve (regarding Special Order 40): "The rest of your arguments are humorous. They're here illegally. His job is to uphold the law."
Chief Bratton: "In as much as California has pretty much indicated that they don't want us involved in that issue, we're out of that business. If you don't like it leave the state." Listen
LAPD Police Chief
Wlliam Bratton
It is ironic that ex-cop Councilman Dennis Zine as a member of the Public Safety Committee would for political reasons ENDANGER the public. On Saturday, June 28,
2003, I met with Zine at one of his functions at which time he agreed to meet with me for a dialog on the controversial Special Order 40 issue. The following week, I met with him to consider a resolution to investigate the immigration status of gang members -- but Zine would only consider gang members who did not have injunctions placed on them. He told me that it would be asking too much to investigate the immigration status of ALL gang members because some of the other Latino council members might not approve. After receiving a letter from Zine chuck full of excuses why he couldn't do anything about waiving Special Order 40 in the case of gang members, I answered him with this letter.
Letter from CCIR exposes Zine as an unprincipled fickle politician.
Zine is also the mover and shaker for the city of L.A. to officially recognize the Mexican Matricula ID. To listen to Zine being interviewed by John & Ken, Click here
Zine used a technical loophole to pad his pension on the backs of tax-payers.
Ex-cop L.A. Councilman
Dennis Zine
Inept Councilwoman Janice Hahn, sister of inept ex-Mayor James Hahn made news in the Los Angeles Times and other newspapers on April 22, 2004.
In another hard hitting expose, Lou Dobbs reported on a drop house crammed with 100 hostages in Los Angeles City Councilwoman Janice Hahn's district. It had been there for two years. Watch Video,
Read Letter to Janice Hahn by Hal Netkin
L.A. Councilwoman
Janice Hahn
Los Angeles County Supervisor, Zev Yaroslavsky thinks he is Robinhood -- he robs from the citizens to give to illegal aliens. In spite of the fact that the Los Angeles County health system is in a meltdown, he is a mover and shaker to provide healthcare to illegal alien families on the backs of American citizens.
Yaroslavsky can look you in the eye and deny that there is even a healthcare problem.
His efforts to provide free health care for all of the third world's underprivileged at the expense of Americans, especially seniors, is having the virtual effect of importing poverty. He has played a vital roll in seeing to it that the L.A. County's health-care system go into an irreversible meltdown.
Read letter, Netkin to Yaroslavsly.
L.A. County Supervisor
Zev Yaroslavsky
At the 1995 anti-Prop. 187 conference at U.C. Riverside, Villaraigosa praised one of the participants, Jose Angel Gutierrez, director of the Mexican-American Studies Center at the University of Texas at Arlington. Here's what Gutierrez had to say when it was his turn to speak at the conference: "There are those who are saying they're concerned because we are Latinizing Los Angeles, that there are too many Mexicans here, we're the biggest..., that we're the biggest national security threat to the United States. I love it! Estan cagando cabrones miedo (The bastards are shitting with fear). I love it!" Listen
Antonio Villaraigosa often utters this popular Spanish saying to his followers: "Dime con quien andas y te diré quien eres."
Translation: "Tell me with whom you hang out, and I will tell you who you really are." So let's see with whom Antonio Villaraigosa hangs out.
Villaraigosa with Bustamante
Bustamante, the guy who uttered the "N" word, is the former member of the Fresno State Chapter of MEChA, a "Raza" Anti-American, Racist Organization with ties to Anti-Semitic factions. He refuses to denounce the MEChA slogan
"Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada"
(Poor audio quality, but makes the point)