The ones that DON'T come for jobs.

Isn't it ironic that those who say they are intolerant of stereotyping, do it all the time themselves?. They're the same ones who tell the rest of us that we use a broad paint brush in characterizing illegal aliens -- especially those from south of the border.. They're also the ones who tell us how wonderful diversity is and how it is our strength.

These dogmatic beliefs may be true for most of us, but it isn't true for the L.A. County inmates 23 percent of which are illegal aliens.

In the following video, L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca and Orange County Sheriff Mike Corona describe the recidivism sometimes referred to as the revolving door -- illegal alien criminals commit a crime, get caught, go to jail, get deported and illegally return to Southern California to repeat the cycle up to five times. What is significant, is that the sanctuary policies of all California cities (such as L.A.'s Special Order 40), do not permit law enforcement officers to determine the immigration status of suspects -- even those that they know were previously deported.

Illegal alien criminals must be commit a crime and be arrested and booked before their immigration status can be determined. That's kind of like buying insurance after the accident.

Illegal alien criminals return because they know that Special Order 40 and similar mandates in other cities give them a free pass. Moreover, they know that our local governments will not cooperate with the federal government in apprehending illegal alien criminals.

View this video about the County jails and see if you think that the illegal alien inmates came only for jobs and a better life. You will also see how Black and Hispanic diversity gives them strength -- strength that is, to try to kill each other. Click Here to watch video.            (courtesy of Full Disclosure)

Note: Some of the dates are old, but keep in mind that this problem gets worse as time goes by.