Antonio Villaraigosa, Mayor of
Los Angeles.
Platitudes, Broken Promises,
and Deceit
And why he will fail
On this page, we follow the accomplishment and failures of Mayor Antonio
Villaraigos and keep a close eye on his campaign promises.
Out of a city of 4 million,
260,000 votes elected Villaraigosa mayor. In other words, 6.5 % of the population of Los Angeles who were
persuaded by a man who blares platitudes and phony promises, decided to elect a mayor who is a failure as
a lawyer, is a card carrying ACLU member, an advocate for matricula ID's for illegal aliens, an
advocate for driver's licenses for illegal aliens, in-state tuition for illegal aliens, and a loyalty to whomever will
vote for him.
As of September, 2005, it's too soon to really see how he does, but you don't
have to have a degree in political science to know that his policy to virtually import thousands more of child
bearing illegal aliens will be his downfall. Almost all the problems in L.A. are linked to illegal immigration:
crime, traffic congestion, hospital closures, polution, housing cost, fraud, failing schools and more.
Villaraigosa wants to keep mopping the floor instead of fixing the leaking
Watchdog America invites the public to write us. Let us know what you think
about how Antonio Villaraigos is doing. Contact: [email protected].